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Turkiye's Economy -  Documentary


Assalamu alaykum dear friends,

I am excited to present to you my new initiative to produce a documentary about Turkiye's economy in the lead-up to the 2023 presidential elections.

In recent years, we have witnessed the relentless attacks on President Erdogan and his new economic model for a more prosperous and economically confident Turkiye.

Having had the opportunity to talk to many young and first-time voters in my recent trip to Turkiye, there seems to be a mixture of cautious optimism and skepticism about current Turkiye’s economic challenges and long-term prospects. Hence all the more reason for such a documentary to correct the misunderstandings and offer a balanced and objective overview of the economic state of affairs of both Turkiye and the global economy.

Join me in my mission to presenting a refreshing analysis and commentary of Turkiye’s economic future. We look forward to your support.

Please refer to the Link for further information and to support this project.

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Melbourne, 19 November

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