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The Financialization and Gamification of the Economy


In this video we are talking about 2 concepts that are important for understanding the key trends in our economy today.


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Wisdom behind Prohibition of Riba (interest) - Case study GFC

One of the miracles of Islam are the rules of Riba (interest, usury). Many students who for the first-time study these rules think they are a burden to the economy and question wisdom to why we exchange money for money in equal amounts and on the spot. Sometimes we even ask if there is a place for such restrictions in a modern economy? In this clip, we analyse the power of Islamic economic principles regarding the ban on Riba by looking at the root causes of the Global Financial Crisis.

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Forgotten blessing: Barakah in Money

When Allah wants good for His slave, He puts barakah into his wealth even if his wealth is little.

And when this blessing is withdrawn, one will not enjoy what he has from wealth, even if he has much of it.

So what is Barakah (blessing) in money?

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Interview: From personal to finance matters

In this interview, I share memories from my childhood and growing up in Sarajevo, and also some thoughts about challenges in the Islamic economy and finance.

The video is translated with English subtitles & recorded during my recent trip to hometown Sarajevo in Bosnia by Televizija 5.

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